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JRPGfan said:

true 4k  (2160p) or 1800p (checkerboarded) its the same differnce.

Eww. No.

There is a massive difference between 4k (3840x2160) and checkerboard. (3200x1800)
8,294,400 vs 5,760,000 pixels. Or... a 44% difference in pixel counts favouring 4k.

But that is not all. Not all Checkerboard games actually operate at 1800P, some operate at substantually less resolution.

Whether checkerboard vs 4k has a tangible quality difference, really depends on your display, how far you sit from your display, your eye quality... And of course developers.
If a developer forgo's the use of Anti-Aliasing, then 4k looks substantually better.

JRPGfan said:

PS4pro didnt set the world on fire with its sales, neither will the scorpio.

People simply dont care enough for 4k gameing yet. Most people have 1080p tv's, and arnt willing to get 4k tv's and more expensive consoles.

Agreed. Sales for Scorpio isn't likely to be a game changer for Microsoft, just like it wasn't for Sony.

With that, there is a benefit to 4k even if you are stuck with a 1080P TV.

Sprash said:

WiiU: great first party, non existent third party

Xbox: lackluster first party, good third party

Playstation: great first party, very good third party

Best selling console: Playstation > Xbox + WiiU

That's why it needs both first and third party support

If you look at last gen, most of that held true, but sales were fairly even but ended up as Wii > Xbox 360 > Playstation 3.
Ergo, first party, third party was pretty irrellevent.

Snoopy said:

xbox is just like the pc but closed off. They can easily scale the games just like they do with pc games. Also, I would argue xbox live being better than competitiors is a huge plus. I think microsoft leveraging off of power, xbox live, controller will more than enough. Also, exclusives are subjective. I am more of an online gamer and games like Halo, Gears and to a certain degree Forza are some of the best online games I can play. I don't think there is a single playstation exclusive online game that is known for online gaming or is that good honestly.

To be honest, I don't care about exclusives. I just care about the games I wish to play.
If they are exclusive, they are exclusive, but I honestly couldn't give a crap if they were 3rd party.

Snoopy said:

But most people don't game on a PC.

You do realise that the PC has more gamers than the Playstation 4, Xbox One and Wii U combined at the moment right?

Snoopy said:

Sorry, was referring non f2p games and AAA 60 dollars games. COD isn't doing too well on steam last I checked or the fact games like FF, Destiny and Madden aren't on PC.

CoD hasn't done well on PC for generations. Other games however do far better.
Mostly it's because Activision's support is terrible, CoD doesn't support and push PC centric technologies... And the franchise has stagnated and gone stale.

PC Games also tend to have far longer legs, years after a game is released, if Steam Discounts it, then it hits the top of the sales chart... On console that same game would have fallen into obscurity never to be heard from again.

Snoopy said:

Nope, sorry. Developers just don't go hey lets pick a random resoultion like 900p all the time. They have tools and such to determine it and I remember reading up engines like unreal engine 4 has tools that automatically set to best resolution and textures based on hardware. It just gets locked on consoles because there has never been a console system like scorpio that will have a good chance to end the typical generations.


Captain_Yuri said:

Exclusives do matter. Cause if it say the x1 had no exclusives but had only 3rd party games but ps4 has both exclusives and third party games, then why would anyone buy an x1?

I don't disagree that exclusives matter for some people.
But for me they don't.

Originally I bought the original Xbox back when Dinosaurs roamed the Earth not because of exclusives. But because of Halo and Fable, both were on PC, looked better on PC, played better on PC and I had them on both Xbox and PC.

But why did I do that? Well. Multiplayer. My neighbour had an Xbox, so we ran a Cat 5 cable over the fence and played each other via LAN in Halo.
And it was amazing. Even had a mate from across the road bring his console over and we would have 12-people gaming sessions.
We did the same thing with Halo 2.

Today if Halo 5 was on PC I would still own it for Xbox and PC because I wish to play Multiplayer with mates... And I would even buy it a 3rd time for Playstation for the same reason.

I dislike exclusives, they limit me to a device, I don't see platforms as replacements for each other, but as supplemental.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--