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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

Trust me, I know how it works. Being in the advertising industry for the past seven years, I'm well versed in how to manipulate the press to achieve my goals.

That doesn't make it right and that's why I have respect for EGM saying "fuck off" to Konami's demands. God knows I've had enough magazines do that to me over the years and in the end, those magazines always end up being my strongest relationships. You always know where you stand with them as opposed to constantly fighting other manufacturers to see who can throw the most free shit at the editor to get press coverage.

Really, defending these actions is despicable.

Being in the advertising industry, you should see EGM's move as a ploy to grab attention. At a time when Gamespot's credibility is faltering, Gametrailer's credibility is faltering, and more... this is a slick move by EGM to boost their own image.

That's probably a pretty cynical way to view it, but it's likely the one closest to the truth.

I don't think that's the case. EGM said similar things when Ubisoft tried to pull restrictions on them and Ubi ended up pulling all advertising from the magazine for quite some time.

When it hits the bottom line (like one of the top five publishers in the world pulling adverts), you know that it stops being a ploy and turns into a real statement by the publication.

Attention is nice but it has a habit of going away very quickly. Losing tens of thousands of dollars a month doesn't compensate for a little forum talk over how "respectible" you are. 

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