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Animal Crossing Wii will be actually use WiiConnect24's "The Wii is always on" component. Probably to have neighbors actually move around town while you're asleep.

Microsoft will announce their counter to the Wii at E3. They know Nintendo is disrupting them, and they need to counter now if they want to claim the spotlight. If they aren't stating a counter, then MS is content to simply slow down Sony.

Sony's conference will be the blandest of the 3, since the wind was knocked out of their sails. And they can't announce a price cut (due to their financial report saying so.)

Nintendo will announce something big this E3. New/revived IP almost certainly but designed with the Wii's principles. Wii hard drive almost guaranteed (but that might be the upmarketer inside of me.)

Microsoft's E3 will be the most interesting to me, to see how they react and what their true goals are in the console business.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.