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When you get a port on PS4 or Xbox one it can often be hugely upgraded, higher res, improved textures, higher or more consistent frame rate, often they chuck in more content, original DLC etc. It gets to be a very appealing package and the price is often quite competitive and if not drops rapidly anyway.

The wii u got a lot of ports which were actually inferior to ps3 and 360 they were often awful versions with many problems and compared to ps4 and xbone versions were utterly pathetic. Hence often these versions sold in tiny numbers and were a huge indicator of how poor the wii u console was.

If anything the Switch has even more obscure and old games than the wii u and the prices are much higher. People will be looking at the Switch library on whether its a console worth buying and clearly be put off by such games. More games definitely isn't better if those games do not appeal to a large number of people. Clearly some people here think just expanding the Switch library is important with no regard for quality or offering new experiences. I guess the people who would want such experiences, perhaps people who have never played games before, perhaps made the long journey back from the caves of Mars would appreciate such games.

Even if you are a Nintendo fan who pretty much is enthusiastic for everything they do you have to think about the wider audience that will need good reasons to spend serious money on Switch hardware and games.

If your playing your Switch at home off the dock then something like Vita remote play gives you access to your ps4 library for free with a technical performance level well beyond Switch.

I honestly don't think there are enough people prepared to be milked for cash by Nintendo to make this a viable format and I don't think high price versions of old games most people have forgotten about is going to help Nintendo establish the Switch. How many completely failed console formats of the past filled their ranks with old titles that people never wanted to buy again.