RJ_Sizzle said:
I don't know why people still have that mentality. MS can afford to do a lot of things... but they don't. They could afford to see Scalebound through, they can afford to keep Lionhead open, and can afford not to do layoffs, but it still happens. MS has cash to burn, but it doesn't mean Xbox will always get it. Winning NPDs isn't really good for anything but social media hype, it usually comes down to slashing the prices on the console and freebies to get the console to move anyway. Joe Public could really care less about how many months a console has come ahead in any given year, just one that's not priced out of their range and has the games they like. And newsflash, they are being dominated by Sony right now. Like, over 2 to 1. |
lmao exactly, even MS cant burn cash foolishly. So their strategy must be logical and feasable if they are continuing it.
Better then 5-1 the wiiu suffered.