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Ka-pi96 said:
Alkibiádēs said:

1. Fair enough. I wouldn't know.

2. I have no doubt MK8 will sell a lot, but so what? Pretty sure the author was writing an article about why he's not convinced about getting a Switch rather than why he thinks it will flop sales wise.

He's talking about big first party games, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is one of those. Besides, he admits he didn't own a Wii U, so Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would be a brand new game for him, with loads of content. 

3. Because criticism of ice cube controllers and milking cows is applicable to arms? No, the majority of that criticism definitely went to 1, 2 Switch which you didn't even see fit to mention in your OP.

1-2 Switch doesn't have ice cube controllers either, that was part of the conference presentation, not the actual game. It has something similar with counting how many dices are in the joy-con, but that's not what he said. He makes no distinction between Arms and 1-2 Switch in that quote I gave you, he finds them equally bad, despite not having played either. Besides, Arms also makes use of the HD rumble, just like 1-2 Switch. 

4. Nintendo have announced how many preorders were available? I must have missed that... They say they are shipping 2m in the first month, but the scarcity talk is based on preorders at the moment and for all we know they only allowed retailers a tiny fraction of that amount for preorders just to make it seem more in demand. Like I said, we won't know for sure until it actually releases and we get sales/stock figures so until then saying that Nintendo aren't making it artifically scarce is just as speculative as saying they are.

2 million for launch with 1 million in reserve to fill in the stock where needed. 

5. Ubisoft wasn't used as the most notable example of 3rd party support not having faith though. They were used as the most notable example of a company that used to be 100% behind Nintendo that now doesn't seem that way anymore. Wii U not only had big releases like AC and Watch Dogs but also had 3rd party exclusives from Ubisoft (1 at launch no less), so far there is no evidence to suggest their Switch support will be as strong. Maybe it will, but as for now...

Level-5 or Capcom are much more notable examples of that, like I said in my OP.

6.  You may mention something like that in the OP but you don't address it. We should not just sit patiently until Nintendo reveal things bit by bit. If people think it sounds rubbish they should say something. For one thing that could even lead to Nintendo making it better and if they don't... well then that criticism wasn't really undeserved.

I said that Nintendo deserves criticism for the poor way of communication and the lack of information. I do adress it. 

7. He actually says "With no concrete information on whether Virtual Console titles will be available at launch or in the near future, it’s unlikely that these features will be available any time soon." which people would know if you didn't quote out of context...
That's not presenting things as fact, and since we don't have anything to suggest the opposite I'd say is completely fair to assume.

Later he also claims this: "there are no trophies or virtual console titles". That sounds an awful lot like a factual statement, doesn't it?

8. For the assumptions, if Nintendo didn't want people to assume the worst then they should have cleared these up as soon as people mentioned them as concerns. Them not clearing them up just makes it seem even more likely and they don't want to admit the bad points of their system. Oh and you forgot "the games aren’t ready" and "the launch titles are abysmal". Subjective, sure but it is an opinion article and well for many people those things are true.

He hasn't played the launch-games, so he can't possibly know that they're abysmal. The games are ready, Nintendo is just spreading them throughout the year, so there are no droughts and the games don't cannibalize each other's sales. Do you really think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn't already finished? What's the point of releasing it alongside The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild though... Nintendo even said Super Mario Odyssey is mostly finished when it comes to development. So no, it's not true. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides