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Ka-pi96 said:
Alkibiádēs said:

He claimed everything I put in my summary, so why is it dodgy? 

How can you even agree despite the fact he's factually wrong on many things? 

You want to know why it's dodgy? Fair enough...

1. You call him out for his joke rather than what he actually claims is a concern about Zelda. The long development cycle is a legitimate concern, and as for it not offering anything that hasn't been done before... well I haven't paid attention to anything Zelda so can't comment on that.

What 3D Zelda game didn't have a long development cycle? Only Majora's Mask had a short one. This is normal for Zelda, no reason to be concerned. Twilight Princess released in November 2006 and Skyward Sword in November 2011. That's almost as long as the time gap between Breath of the Wild and Skyward Sword. 

2. Not counting Splatoon 2 as a big first party title is a mistake on the author's part, fair enough. Although MK8 Deluxe is a port so I wouldn't count that either. As for Mario Odyssee being too far away from launch, I'd completely agree with that. There is a long wait between the big 1st party titles, and if I were to narrow it down to big 1st party titles that I actually care about that wait is even longer.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will sell a lot, so it counts. It doesn't matter if it is a port, it will be one of Nintendo's bigger releases this year. And it has quite a bit of extra content as well. He also discounts Arms, even though he doesn't know how big the game will be. He's assuming it will be shallow and not worth the price. Nintendo hasn't unveiled everything to know about the game yet... How about you wait before you assume things? Don't judge a book by its cover. The same was said about Splatoon when it got announced and look how that turned out. He also ignores Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which are all slated for 2017. 

3. The majority of the "motion control nonsense" went to 1,2 Switch rather than Arms. So by failing to mention the game that's taking the majority of the criticism on that front that's a dodgy point at best.

No it went to both of them. Here's the exact quote:  "Instead of having a multitude of console-quality games on the go, Nintendo is to release 1-2-Switch and Arms, at launch and shortly after. These can only be described as motion-control nonsense, and indicate that the company has learnt nothing from its forays into the party game/casual genre last generation".

I agree that 1-2 Switch will likely be a shallow party game, my complaint was about Arms being treated in the exact same way as that game. 1-2 Switch should have been a pack-in game for free.

4. Purely speculation, but it might be. We won't really know on this one until it releases and we actually see what both the sales and stock levels are like though.

No, the numbers come from Nintendo themselves. 

5. Third party faith is lacking! Sure there's probably better examples than Ubisoft, but even with Ubisoft where are the big games? Why no port for recent big Ubi titles such as The Division or Watch Dogs 2? Why no announcment of an Assassin's Creed game for Switch yet?

I never said third party support wasn't lacking. I was complaining about his lack of knowledge by claiming Ubisoft is the most notable example. 

6. The online platform does seem ridiculous. We may not know everything about it yet, but who's fault is that? This close to realise Nintendo already should have cleared everything up about that. It's definitely a fair point of criticism.

I adress that in the OP. He still assumes things which may or may not be correct.

7. Again, this is on Nintendo for not revealing stuff. Fair to criticise and fair to speculate on unless Nintendo actually announce something.

It's not fair the assume things and make them come across as facts actually, certainly not for a "journalist". 

8. There's a LOT more reasons he gives for saying the Switch isn't ready than just "no trophies". And I've got to say I agree with all of them.

He claims just 4 things actually: online functionality isn't built into the console (which is an assumption), lack of virtual console (which is another assumption), lack of Netflix (who cares?) and lack of trophies (again, who cares?). If a lack of trophies means that a console isn't ready then Nintendo has never had a console that was ready as they never had trophies. 

It's a summary, it's not meant to be exhaustive, I provided the link for that. :) 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides