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pokoko said:
Alkibiádēs said:

I provided a link to the article and it's my thread and I do what I want? How about you don't post in this thread if you don't like the topic? And next time read it before you start posting, you wouldn't have missed the link to the article then. 

I'll post where I want, how about that?  What are you going to do about it?  You gonna take your thread and go home?

I already read the article, which is why I posted.  I was just wondering why you didn't post any of his valid points.  Just seemed really odd.  Who knew you'd get pissy over a simple question?

Spamming is against the rules. I provided a link to the article, so I did post what the article said. Thus your post was useless, obnoxious and in a hostile tone. 

He didn't post any valid points, so I can't post them to begin with. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides