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Now I don't want to provide clicks to bad articles, but I was curious to see your reactions to this article.

The author's complaints can be summarized as follows:

  • Zelda is archaic because it had a long development cycle and you could cook in Skyrim 5 years ago.
  • Holiday 2017 is too long to wait for Super Mario Odyssey because it's, apparently, the only other big First Party game for 2017 besides Zelda. I guess Arms, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Fire Emblem Warriors don't exist. I can see Xenoblade Chronicles 2 getting delayed though, but not the rest.
  • Arms is apparently just "motion control nonsense" despite the fact that it can be played with a traditional controller as well. 
  • The Switch is apparently artificially scarce despite the fact that Nintendo is shipping a similar amount of units compared to the PS4 and XBONE for the launch period. 
  • Third Party faith is lacking (which is true), but he claims Ubisoft is the most notable example of this lack of support, despite the fact that Ubisoft is releasing 3 games for the Switch this year. Capcom would have been a good example, but Ubisoft? And what about Level-5? They had several big hits on the 3DS, but they weren't even present at the conference.
  • He claims the online platform already seems ridiculous, despite the fact that we barely know anything about it. A lot of confusion and misinformation seems to be circulating on the internet, which is admittetly Nintendo's fault. Still, we need to wait before Nintendo has fully explained their online platform instead of bitching about unconfirmed information. 
  • He claims the Virtual Console will "not be available any time soon" because we have no concrete information about it yet. He even admits here that he has little-to-no experience with Nintendo games. 
  • Bitches that the console isn't ready because there are no trophies. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides