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Today I vote for Boooooooooooooobs Aversa!!!

She's so boobielicous... I mean, what I'm trying to say is that she's a very interesting TITular villain who I felt they could have done so much more with. She was ruthless and actually formidable unlike the Joker King before her. She kinda boo'd him off... I mean... Yeah! She was a bit of a missed opportunity that could have had so much more depth to her boobs.... I mean character development. I'm not distracted, I swear. I'm being logical here!

Lookie here! I gotta snuggle in some cuddles with my boo...!

PS. I hate how they have those DLC's where you can add these great characters to your team. It's cool that it's for fun and all, but it degrades their meaningfulness in the narrative. I was quite boobed, I mean bummed out by these alternative "what if" scenarios.