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You still haven't explained WHY Sadness gets the hype while deBlob doesn't? Experimenting with gameplay > experimenting with atmosphere, IMHO...

While no game has combined the elements in quite the same way Sadness is supposed to, pretty much any other game trying to push the boundaries is in the same boat, yet Sadness gets the hype.

Why not hype up BlastWorks? It's a side-scrolling shooter with elements borrowed from Katamari Damacy, a heavy emphasis on user-generated content and a unique minimalist graphics style. No one has combined THOSE elements together in quite that way before either. Heck, Tamuki fighters, the game that inspired BlastWorks, received pretty much NO hype and it was created by a lone man.

I didn't miss you're point... You were comparing apples to oranges. MK:A didn't fail because of it's team size. Many games have similar sized teams and turn out rather good. Many games with small teams fail. It's all about strong artistic vision and having leadership strong enough to enforce that vision. I've seen nothing from Nibris that leads me to believe that they have strong leadership....