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the more i read about switch, the worse it becomes. I was initially pleased at the idea of the switch because I had zero faith in Nintendo to be able to compete with PS4 and XB1 as a HOME console with decent 3rd party support so the hybrid idea with a COMBINED library seemed to be a smart move. except, the library is extremely lacking. Even more than even the Wii U. Switch is launching is with 5 game? 3 of them are on Wii U, then there's 1-2 switch and Bomberman.... I mean this is pretty weak and ultimately boils down to the Wii U zelda game to prop up the system. The new Zelda looks amazing, but if I were to buy a console for it I would just get Wii U which has a backlog and provides a similar Zelda experience (switch runs zelda at 900p 30fps, Wii U is 720p 30fps with same graphical settings and similar performance). This COMBINED library doesn't seem to exist when Switch has a smaller launch line up than any Nintendo console in Decades. the rest of the games announced doesn't suggest any more support than Wii U and if any thing it seems like LESS support because it has less 3rd party games in the first year.

Then I learned about the peripheral pricing and am now in the "Fuck off Nintendo" mindset. $70 for a normal controller! $80 for switch joycon set. $30 for joycon grips (lols). Nintendo has the nerve to charge for online after their previous performances and even charges for the required companion smart phone app that is needed for chat. Nintendo is coming off their worst selling console and somehow thinks they will get away with price gouging!

I think the switch will shrink Nintendo's home console presence to sub Wii U level. I can't see how this thing can possibly appeal to more home console gamers than Wii U did when it is literally repeating all of the Wii U's shortcomings as a home console. I don't know how well it will do with the handheld market but they will certainly boost the switch past Wii U numbers BUT it seems to have made a few handheld concessions in order to make it a console as well (like size). Due to this, I can't really estimate how well switch will do overall. However, it does Seems almost like it would have been better for Nintendo to have just bowed out of the home console market and made switch as a FULL handheld.

I hope my opinion changes again, it was initially positive back in Nov. when I first saw it.