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brute said:
^and it is greatness,its averaging over 95


For how long? Huh? Like, one more week? That's it. Metal Gear Solid 4 will be disappointing. Does that upset me? You're damn right it does. I'm pissed. I know I will be disappointed. I foresee it. Don't kid yourself. Part of you knows this too. I mean, 95 with 4 reviews? That would be fucking amazing if it was a third party game, but no. It's not. This isn't a third party game. This was supposed to be the killer title. This was supposed to be like Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Galaxy, and Grand Theft Auto 4. But no. It's not going to be that. It's not going to be that at all. Yes, three 100 score reviews is good, but two scores of the late 90's, this early, are signs of disappointment, and one 80, especially this early in its life, drills the final nail in the coffin. Will it be good? Oh, unassailably, but that's not the point. My point, is that this is going to be a disappointment. I just know it. You know, when you have that feeling, and you know that you shouldn't ignore it. Well, that feeling is telling me so. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm imagining things, but the fact that lately, I've been right too many times on these kinds of things, has pissed me off. I was right that Mario Kart Wii would idle around the early 80's after that score of 91, and I was right for a few other games too. But to some extent, I have to agree on the reviews already out. I mean, 90 minute cut scenes? What the fuck? I put a fucking movie in my DVD player, and I put a fucking game in my Playstation 3, FM Towns Marty, Super Nintendo, whatever. Don't mesh the two together. It defeats the entire purpose. Sure, short clips are fine, to glue the game together, or if I could actually "PLAY" the cut scene, that would be awesome. But having to watch it, really defeats the purpose. And yes, they were fine in the other ones. That's what made them so great. But over 180 minutes? I don't know. Will I like it? Yes. Does it defeat the purpose? Yes. Will it be annoying after a while? Yes.

I don't know what it is with the Playstation 3. It's like, cursed or something. Seriously. I just don't know. Metal Gear Solid may be the first exclusive, scoring within the 90's. And not the late 90's. I predict, early 90's, or dare I say it, late 80's, which would kill it, being the first exclusive. Anyway, I just don't know about the Playstation 3 anymore. I like it, but it could have been so much more. I like Ratchet and Clank. I'm not a fan of Grand Theft Auto, but I haven't played the latest one, so I can't so much about that one. I like a few other games, but most of the games I like, are on the Xbox 360. I mean, come on. I just hope I'm wrong about all of this. I'm playing Galaxy right now, and it's kicking ass. See, Nintendo is busting out masterpiece, after masterpiece, but Sony is just lingering around. I'm not talking about all Sony games, but the first party ones. They haven't really done much lately. Or have they? What am I talking about? Forget everything you've read. METAL GEAR SOLID 4 IS GOING TO BE FUCKING AWESOME! Even if it wont be perfect.