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I read this off the "review"

"When we walked into his office, he sat atop a throne of gold and was currently in the process of deep meditation as the Metal Gear Solid 4 Soundtrack played in the background. Never wanting to disrespect a master at work, we quietly made our way out of his office when Kojima abruptly eased our fears and told us to stay. Four personal female assistants then carried Kojima off of his throne and placed him on a couch clothed in leopard skin. We had never been so amazed in our lives. Kojima resembled a deity."

After Sony Defense Force exchanged a few comments with Kojima, we were then whisked away to our resort hotels which overlooked a relaxing volcanic hot springs. However, very little time was actually spent in our hotel room as we spent our entire allotted time to devote strictly to MGS4, which we played on a huge movie theater sized projection screen accompanied by full 7.1 surround sound speakers that provided the amazing sounds and score in uncompressed lossless audio while one of Kojima’s beautiful female assistants fellated us during our playthrough - SDF