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zero129 said:
bbsin said:

>_> .....

that doesn't answer what I've said and nothing ever needed to be cleared up.

You started whining and ranting based on a stupid rumor that is going to end up not happening, end of story.

As for your other comments. Sony still pays for 3rd party support. that "we don't buy 3rd party support" comment made by Jack Tretton was PR spin and BS. Since then they've made "agreements" with Epic and Ubisoft to be time exclusives on the PS3. MGS4 is the same story, Sony has marketed the game on their own numerous times and is packaging a game in their console for all territories.

I'm guessing you didn't realize all this since picking out what's logical and what's bullshit in this industry is not your strong point. You might want to sober up before you hit the message boards next time, drunks typically make fools of themselves.

BTW: the second MGS4 TV commerical was shown recently on MTV.

Good point i did kinda jump the gun so to speak..

But what's with the rage??, you must know me well since you know what my strong points are -_- .

But hey why not resort to flames to get you're point across that works real well -_- .

Anyway it seemed this was just a false alart so that's good now lets put this to rest...

 No harm done bro. I don't blame you for giving Sony the "WTF?!?" treatment, everyone has, including me. I just didn't get why people were goin crazy over a rumor. >_>..... time to move on.