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Switch is a very expensive portable with short battery life or a very underpowered home console both with very expensive games and not many to choose from. Sadly I really see it failing very badly once the Nintendo fans have got their's. I just can't see it finding a wider audience at all unless it gets a huge price drop.

I hope to be wrong though but for those people who just have one games system I honestly can't see any reason for them to move away from ps4, pc or xbone. They will deny themselves mainstream games, decent performance and pay through the nose for it. Who are those people?

For those who need a portable its too huge an investment in both hardware and games and has all that inconvenience of very short battery life. The existing 3DS range seems better as portable systems with greater portability, battery life and a greater range of cheaper games or alternatively android or ios devices. I think a clamshell design which you fold over to protect the screen is a far better portable format. The Switch screen is horribly exposed it needs its own dedicated case which adds more to the bulk and size especially with all the charging cables and adapters you might need to keep the Switch going. To be honest I always felt Nintendo moving away from the long battery life of the DS series was a mistake and the Switch goes even further with lower battery life. One of the great advantages of the DS over the PSP was a huge increase in the length of time you could play on it. On the DS you could play all day and then charge. I just don't see the Switch as a product people will want to use as a portable and just too expensive and over-complicated for parents to give to their young children. The most convenient portable gaming system is your mobile phone. It's always with you and charged and has a wide range of very low cost software ideal for quick gaming sessions.

What is the ratio of people playing on mobile phones vs portable game consoles. I can't remember the last time I saw someone with a games console while travelling be it bus, coach or train is always phones, tablets and laptops. Maybe its just children that would use them but again then you look at that price again and say no most of them won't have Switch's.