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EEPiccolo said:
That's a good point about the shipping vs sales. I guess you can tack on 100k or so to the sold to consumers number. Is that a reasonable estimate?

Oh yes.  I mean it can't be 100k shipped in the Americas.  That would be implying a saleout.  So 125-150k were probably shipped on opening week.  With another 50k being shipped this upcoming week depending on sales.  That's about 175k-200k in the Americas alone.  Japan probaby had 100k shipped in it's first week and since then another 50k.  There's another 150k right there.  So there's probably close 325k-350k shipped of RE4: Wii Edition and we're still getting started in America, Europe/PAL hasn't even seen a release, and another 50k at most will be shipped to Japan.  They set a very very low target and they are going to be greatly surprised by how far this game surpasses their expectations.  Right now if things stay steady in the Americas they could have close to 400k shipped there alone.  I think Capcom is going to be very happy by the success of this game.