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Hynad said:
onionberry said:

The thing is that I'm not an experienced gaming journalist with more than a decade of experience who used to work at the biggest gaming editorial. So when you're biased as fuck and a journalist... that looks bad... and that's why now he's a youtuber and their channel is a joke compared to other youtubers. I like Greg tho.

No. That's not the reaosn why he's a youtuber. He's a Youtuber because him and Greg are good friends and they wanted to do their own thing together.

I don't like Colin, but if you're going to talk shit about him, at least be factual.

No, I'm being very factual. He's a youtuber cause he said that he wanted to be free to talk about subjects and about how he feels, also he didn't want to wait for approval when he had an article or an opinion piece. Now he's a youtuber because that's what he wants, he doesn't want to be a journalist, he wants to share his pov, and that comes with all the rants and biased shit.