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If I were Sony (I'd be rich...but back to my point) I'd be getting ready to go on a 6 month advertising mega-blitz starting NOW and running through Xmas, using the "Saliva'' commercials but focusing them heavily on the next big release, and teasing at the next 2 big ones.



June-July - Focus on MGS4, tease at LBP and R2

August - Sept - Focus on Madden, tease at LBP / R2

Oct - Nov - Focus on Bioshock/Motorstorm, tease at KZ2 

Dec - MEDIA BLITZ, show it all off, over and over....

I think they should also advertise their 'sixaxis' stuff more, me and the lady were playing a bunch of demos, and Super-Rub a Dub is as good as the standard Wii offerings, they should show people playing HV Bowling / Skiiing / Sky Diving etc with the 6 axis...mah marketing degree is going to me.


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)