Normchacho said:
Yeah, in the first 9 months the Wii was out it got Loz:TP Madden 07 CoD 3 Super Paper Mario Madden 08 and Metroid Prime 3
between then and the end of it's first year it would get Tony Hawks Proving Grounds, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Fifa 08, NBA Live 08, Guitar Hero III, and Super Mario Galaxy.
The Switch doesn't have nearly that kind of lineup on the way. |
the switch has Zelda Breath of the wild, Splatoon 2, Just Dance 2017, Mario Kart 8, Dragon Quest 11, FiFA, Steep, NBA 2k, Skyrim, Xenoblade chronicles x 2, ARMS, Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania, Sonic Project 2017, fire emblem warriors. Now put little games like disgaea 5, Dragon Ball xenoverse 2, Rime, Bomber man, Dragon Quest 10 and Dragon Quest heroes 1&2 etc. We have some more stuff that are not system sellers but they are good for the library, and this is what we know BEFORE e3.
So I don't know man, that looks like a pretty good line up of games and again, that's what we know. So whether you like those games are not, ports or not, to me that seems like a good start for the console and I'm more excited for this lineup than I ever was for the wii line up, which was pretty good too. Not saying that is going to be more impactful than the wii, cause there's nothing like wii sports on the switch, but speaking about games/quality, switch is better imho.