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*bleu-ocelot* said:
NJ5 said:
MikeB said:
The 360 is braindead in Japan. MGS4's first week sales will probably crush the 360's best selling game's LTD for Japan, Blue Dragon. And Blue Dragon has outdone the second best selling 360 game for Japan by about 2 to 1.

IMO high end ambitious Japanese targeted content on the PS3 and lowend demanding content targeted at PS2 and Wii makes much more sense, rather than wasting Japanese talent on creating 360 games for Japan.

To tell the truth, both HD consoles are dead in Japan. It's no coincidence that Japanese developers are the first to start shifting support to the Wii. If your game only (or mostly) appeals to Japanese gamers, there's no justification to make it PS3 or 360, as Sega has already learned with Yakuza 3.

There's no way a Japanese-oriented game can be profitable on the HD consoles.


360 is dead even with all those JRPG's,but the PS3 hasn't had a single game that would appeal to the Japenese mass market."There's no way a Japanese-oriented game can be profitable on the HD consoles."?? Well MGS4 disagrees.Its already shown strong pre-order numbers.

It would appear that Lost Odyssey is profitable based on its sales.

But you will find that MGS4 isn't Japan-orientated at all.  IF you look at past sales of the series, you can see its never broken a million in Japan. 


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