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Mnementh said:
curl-6 said:

*Sigh* All Nintendo had to do was let 3DS die its natural death, but no, they had to keep it on life support and hold back Switch.

FE Warriors not being exclusive to Switch is one less reason for people to buy the system, while major new games like Echoes still coming to 3DS suggests Nintendo is NOT giving Switch the full unified support that they should.

I fear we're looking at another Wii U situation, where Nintendo is trying to support two platforms, and as a result Switch will be plagued by droughts just like Wii U.

I have no big problem if they release on both, but why is Echoes not also on the Switch? It's a new release, nobody would be angry about it. And I foresee no technical problem.

There actually should be no problem with just upscaling (and switching assets) for the battles and exploration parts. The issue is with the overworld and battle map. In particular, the battle map is made pretty much perfectly for the 3DS - the slight tilt, the cheap sprite use, the best use of 3D on the 3DS.

Then, you still have the user interface. Adapt two rather info-rich screens to one, HD screen.

But why bother when you can just make a Fire Emblem from the ground up?

