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I came in expecting only Warriors and Mobile I was pleasantly surprised.

Fire Embem Gaiden Remake: Holy crap that was out of nowhere. So stoked for this...more Fire Emblem is always a good thing. Also have to give props to Nintendo for not completely severing their old system. I am curious if the May release is worldwide, or if the West will need to wait a few months. Totally getting those amiibos if I can. I'm that much of a Fire Emblem fanatic. Hehehe...

Fire Emblem Warriors: Well...that was a lot of nothing...though I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Definitely a Switch purchase.

Fire Emblem Switch: Nothing shown...but the fact that we're getting a Switch title is promising. Excited for this too.

Fire Emblem Heroes: Wasn't expecting to care about this...and was a little annoyed it took up so much of the presentation...but I'll likely pick this up. It looks more like a crossover than a standalone story, though they threw together some basic scenario in order for it to make sense. I'll pick it up when it releases on iPhone...though not really a rush for me anyway.

Overall...I didn't care much about the mobile game, and the Warriors info was lacking, but the new game announcement easily made up for that and more. 

And good job getting Yuri Lowenthal to do this, Nintendo. The guy must have a busy schedule, considering he has a voice in like every dubbed anime or Japanese game ever.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334