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I remember seeing that E3 video and being absolutely amazed, When Shigeru came on afterwards waving that sword and shield, it could have been so very embarrassing, but it was like jesus had just walked into the room.

As for a crowd response like that, I don't think it would ever happen again, the Zelda announcement was known to be coming and at that time we were in a situation where the GC wasn't delivering, WW didnt have the same amount of following due ti its cell shading and i think a lot of people were just happy to see it return to its roots so to speak.

Kid icarus, DQ and even KH don't have anything close to the fan base and heritage of Zelda, sadly I think the only thing that could get an audience wooping like that would be Gears of War 2. I recall the Halo 2 audience was very excited too, more fool them :)