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I can think of a few, I won't develop much but hope it is enough:


· Final Fantasy

A franchise I grew up with; rich of charming characters, a rich and vast folkclore, engaging gameplay systems and nice narratives to go with it. It features entries that are among my favourite games ever, and it's always a source of good discussion, whether plot detail, characters or the games themselves. Challenging and full of replayability, Final Fantasy it's just memorable, classic and timeless.

· Resident Evil

A daring franchise that introduced most horror tropes into videogames. Spawning several entries and a questionable evolution (though bear in mind I'm one of those that loves Resident Evil 5 despite the misuse of its name), Resident Evil, despite its ridiculously plots and questionable voice acting, has produced among the most memorable survival-horror titles throughout all vidya. Not necessarily the scariest.

· Metal Gear

The crazy tactical espionage action stealth games that features taking down mechs with missile launchers, and the president of the United States grabbing your crotch. If that isn't enough to make you understand why this franchise is awesome, then I don't know what will do.

· Gears of War

This third-person shooter franchise is solid, fun, and gorish. Challenging throughout the whole games and with a cliché, yet charming team fighting against impossible odds, and a superb multiplayer on which I've clocked hours and hours, plus the ability to play all its games in offline co-op, makes me love it dearly.

· The Legend of Zelda

The traditional, classic adventuring franchise of a hero saving the world. Making notable entries throughout its history with few stumbles upon the way, Zelda is a classic franchise that will perdure forever thanks to how awesome it is.

· Ace Attorney

These detective-like games about a spiky-haired lawyer and its friends not only provides an impressive drama full of plot twists and puzzles to solve, but also features charismatic characters and a memorable OST that boosts the mood and pushes you through any adversity, like a phoenix that reborns from its ashes.

· Fallout

Because a post-apocaliptic RPG has never been so fun and rich in choices and options. Plus an extremely high level of replayability and exploration.


Those are all I can think for now.