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Regarding the charts, I've had a theory before when other consoles went out of stock and still held high positions.
The chart represents a week of sales that's updated hourly. The sales over the last 24 hours hold the most weight but each day further back holds less and less weight. Sooo if there is high sales for one of the days over the last week, it could hold the item high up the charts. Since January sales for almost every item on the chart will be pretty low, the very high sales of the Switch will keep it high up the charts even being unavailable for days.
Even if the hourly doesn't represent the current sales, the monthly chart will be spot on. There's an algorithm at play here and that's the best answer I can give. It's not Amazon holding the Switch high up the table artificially.


This is what I was trying to explain before.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(