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The US screwed up by invading Iraq.  I said that before the invasion began.

The question is... what happens to Iraq if America does pull out?

What do you see happening to Iraq?

People from other countries.  What will you think about the US if they pull out?  Will you see it as a good thing correcting the mistake, or will you see it as a second mistake?

To me, the war in iraq was a mistake i said so even when most people were for the war.  

It's cost the US a lot but now most people want to leave because they aren't hitting deadlines that we artificially set for them when they didn't ask us to invade them in the first place. 

Will it save... a couple thousand american lives and billions of dollars?  Yeah.

My problem with it... Iraq isn't exactly stable now, and if we pull out I gotta think things are going to get much less stable.  Sure some violence will disapear, but a lot of it will escalate to match it as varying parties clash for control of the government.  The result i fear being a giant civil war that eventually breaks into full out genocide.  The only difference is we'll be free to ignore it.

That's what pisses me off.  The Republicans want to get terrorists, the democrats want to cut america's losses and not a damn person is thinking about the citizens of the people we invaded for no real reason.

I mean... is it the money that makes it why we have to pull out?  I can't see it being the death toll.  I mean, it's something like... 4,000 currently.  A Cyclone in Bengeldesh killed around that many people in bengaldesh last year.

The whole thing to me feels like a few rich kids going into some poor kids house smashing up the place then 
refusing to make things right because it's costing them too much time and money.

It just shows how people can't take responsibility when there are government systems like the US where you can get out of any mistake by just waiting 4 years or so and claiming "Well that was that other party."