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dahuman said:
DélioPT said:
Well, it makes sense for them to think this way: 3DS is getting old, Switch actually is the new portable.

Actually that really explains Nintendo's presentation!
What 3rd parties were given the spotlight: S-E, Atlus, NIS, SEGA, EA, Bethesda and Suda.
That alone shows that not only Nintendo is having trouble finding support - so far; things can change come E3 - outsider the usual suspects, but it also shows that japanese do need Switch to succeed (3DS won't sell forever!).

Actually, now i understand why the Presentation took place in Japan: the heavyweights are specially catered for the japanese market!

You are forgetting Nintendo Direct reveals and possible E3 bombs they are saving to drop, they can't just unload everything in January.

I wasn't expecting more than the launch line-up and a few surprises.
But what we got was a clear image that Nintendo could barely get games for launch and that whatever games they will have that aren't 1st party or Indie, are mainly from japanese companies.

It was a great presentation for japanese gamers, not so much for the rest of us.
That's why i think that was the actual reason to have a press conference in Japan.

I'm not sure there will be any special reveal for launch line-up or launch window. They had so few games to show that it doesn't make sense to hold back.