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BraLoD said:
Aerys said:

I said it for years that Galaxy and 3D World were not réal Mario 3D as Mario 64 inventéd thème but Nintendo fans were mocking me.

Now you see ? I was right, Nintendo agrees
WE, true fans, waited 15 years for thé réal successorale of thé 2 first real 3D Mario

You are taking things a bit out of context.
Neither does it means Galaxy and 3D World were not "real Mario 3D" neither did Nintendo ever agreed with it.

They had a different formula, from each other as well, even as more linear focused games, but that doesn't exclude them from being 3D Mario games, as both were 3D games, 3D World even has it on its name

I'm not a "true fan" by your definition, tho, as Galaxy and 3D World where amazing games and got me into finally liking the transistion from 2D to 3D in the series, as Bros. 3 and World were SO MUCH better than 64 and Sunshine.

Super Mario 64 maybe has dated poorly given that it was the first 3D Mario game, that's sort of natural. Just like Final Fantasy 7 is somewhat poorly aged, which naturally often occurs with the first foray into 3D gaming. Point being though, both Mario 64 and FF 7 are fantastic games, regardless of aging. You have to look a LITTLE bit into the context of when they were made too, obviously. It's like going back and watching King Kong from the 1930s and comparing it with Peter Jackson's King Kong.

yes, obviously the newer King Kong will immerse you more and be more believeable at this point. but is it a better film? given the context of when they were made and the effect on the respective industry- no, the new one isn't better. I think the same arguably applies to something like Mario 64, context is extremely relevant and I'm not sure, say, Mario Galaxy, is automatically better than Mario 64 when it takes so much from the previous title

100% disagree about Sunshine though. The game is extremely innovative with its controls and jetpack (not at all like Mario 64 in terms of the jumping and camera) and also extremely innovative with its level structure and types of new enemies. It also has aged fantastically graphically


I will agree with the last point though, the likes of Mario Bros 3 and Mario World destroy any new Mario that came after, whether its a Sunshine or Galaxy. Those are some of the best games ever created and are extremely timeless, you can watch someone playing Mario Bros. 3 now and it looks as great and fun as it did decades ago