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MontanaHatchet said:
erikers said:
About 95% of the boycott/petition for _____ game threads are from Wii owners which I just find hilarious. If you look at all the threads with complaints about games and companies, Wii owners are always the least satisfied. At least there's always sales numbers to look at.

Yes, precisely.

The Wii sells the most and gets the most third party support of the lowest quality. Dissatisfaction is a crime in this case? Please, do tell...

Nobody said it's a crime, just highly amusing. How did you manage to break yourself away from every PS3 game page to post here anyways? And the ps2 had the most low quality 3rd party games too because it had the sheer volume of games like the Wii does now. There's no need to cry so much about it. Buy another system



Which capcom one? The one asking for Bionic Commando to be on the Wii too? The one that's sure to come pleading for Street Fighter IV to be one the Wii if they don't announce it soon?

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%