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This is a funny thread.

Its very simple and shown before. PS3 launched on March 31 in Australia. That means it has been out for about 12 weeks. So for the first 11 weeks it outsold both the Wii and 360 in weekly sales. Now on the 12 week Wii has outsold the PS3 just as it has in nearly every other location in the world. Except maybe Uganda. The unlike Europe that received 1m units all at once. Australia received 'normal' shipments and it took a few weeks for the initial demand to be saturated. Now, it will continue to sell at PS3 levels which are far below Wii.

All the fanboys need to quit the overzealous attempts at either glorifying this pitty 50k or calling it a bunch of lies and fodder. It's just Sony PR, just like Nintendo's from a week ago when they showed the fastest ever to hit the 100k point in Australia.

What will be impressive is if the PS3 can get to the 100k level before Wii did.