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What makes you think developers want to make games that are built for wii strengths?

All of you are saying that developers need to start making great games form the ground up specifically for the wii...however most developers are not interested in taking a step back in technology..

Most devs are moving towards developing a hollywood experience in story and presentation...which wii doesn't measure up to compared to ps360...along side having top notch gameplay.And unless you are throwing rocks at the screen, shooting things or playing some active sport like tennis...Wiimote can't really out do a controller. Compare gamplay between no more heroes (considered a AAA game on the wii) and upcoming ninja gaiden 2...I havent played ninja gaiden yet but I'm pretty sure the difference will be laughable.

Those that have passion towards making games want to be on the cutting edge of technology. Do you really think Kojima would go and try to make a MGS for the wii after he finished one for PS3? He sure would...only to make some quick cash.

All wii is good for in the eyes of 3rd party devs is making are cheap to make, lots of consoles sold...lets pump those mini games...
That seems to be the typical attitude for a 3rd party dev.

Some games may be tailor made for the wii's controlls and are better than ps360 ones (new starwars game or sega tennis for example) and thats great...I will buy those games myself over the ps360 versions. But you people can't force devs to get together in a room and figure out a cool way to center a game around the only strength nintendo wii has...aka the wii mote.