thismeintiel said:
Those game could easily be done on the PS4 with Move. The only problem is going to be...who the hell wants to look at each other while playing a VIDEO game. The point of a video game is to look at what your character does on screen. Not look at the other player the whole time, while maybe side glancing at the TV. Not even Wii tried to get away with that BS, and those games could have easily been pulled off with the Wii Motion+. I seriously do not see those games performing well. You might as well put on those blow up Sock'em boxing gloves and just go at each other. And hell, 1,2 Switch could probably be done with a $40-$60 piece of HW that connects to the TV that comes with simple motion controllers. Definitely not worth plopping down $360 bucks for. I guess $430 if you want to go two players in Arms. |
Yeah, lets have the game be connected to a hard to find, extremely rarely supported extra peripheral lol. Just Dance doesn't even advertise the Move on the box anymore, and that's pretty much the only game that still supports it. Might as well say Kinect could do the game, too. At the end of the day, nah. Arms will be unique to the Switch. Nothing like it on the other consoles.
1,2 Switch looks fun because it is different. Nothing wrong with facing someone else while you play. I'm sure you probably didn't think Wii Sports would do well, either.