CaptainExplosion said:
Then how come Nintendo's top-selling games for each system has been a Nintendo game? To expand on this, remember the releases of Miitomo, Pokemon Go and Super Mario Run? Got downloaded millions of times. Did people keep playing those games after more than a couple months? No. That's why Nintendo games don't work on non-Nintendo platforms. Nobody would buy major Mario, Zelda or Kirby games if they were on PlayStation and/or Xbox. It's like how nobody wanted to buy Rare games on Xbox. |
Lmao, Pokémon Go became a world-wide hype and phenemenon and boosted sales of old and new Pokémon games plus the 3DS, but you use it as an example why Nintendo games don't sell on non-Nintendo platforms? Lol. The game made more profit than Sony did on all their first party games combined on the PS4. And Super Mario run costs $10 while most smartphone games are super cheap or free with micro-transactions and ads. Another "great" example. Miitomo isn't even a game.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides