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Nintendo has now fully revealed the Switch, and the reactions have been... mixed. Some positive, some negative and some questions unanswered. But one of the impressions I'm taking away from this is how greedy Nintendo really has become, and how they're trying to make as great a profit as possible with the Switch.

Let's just start off with that I'm a Nintendo fan, and have been gaming on their platforms since the early 90's, and that Wii is one of my favorite consoles of all time and that I bought a Wii U like half a year ago and that I'm loving my 3DS.

First of all, the actual Switch will cost $299 - which isn't all that bad by itself, but considering that you can get a PS4 bundled with Uncharted 4 for the same price and you get NO games bundled with the Switch...

And then you have the new (crappy) paid online service Nintendo will launch this Fall. We don't know the price of that service yet, but Nintendo's online services has been lacking for quite some time, and I'm hard pressed to see them making a great online service by now; they simply don't get how those things work. Example; to voice chat and invite people to game online you need a SECONDERY smart device and an app for all of that. Oh, but maybe they'll compensate by giving some additional boon? Yeah, ONE free NES or SNES game for a month. For a month. You don't even get to keep the game! You're renting it. The other boon is that you get discounts and stuff like that, special offers - but that still involves you giving Nintendo additional money.

And then you have all the extra accessories. A pro controller will cost you $70, an extra joy-con is $50, or two for $80, a joy-con grip for $30, and an extra Switch Docking Station for $90. That's pricey as fuck.

All of this is leaving me with the sensation that Nintendo has become incredibly greedy, and is trying to nickel and dime us as best they can. It's such a sad sight to see. Am I the only one with this sad feeling?


I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.