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Coglestop said:
Viper1 said:
They just announced the licensing of the Gamebryo engine not even 2 months ago. You can't have a working video to display unless you offer up CGI teaser trailers like Motorstorm, Killzone 2, etc... They also don't have the man power and resources to set aside a team to create an alpha preview of working game code.

Stop being so damn skeptical and let the little guys like Nibris work on something special instead of demanding they halt work to appeal to our information consumption lifestyle.

 This just proves that it's pretty much pure vapor.  They ANNOUNCED the game well before the Wii's launch and just licensed a graphics engine a couple of months ago?  That's a BAD sign and anyone could see it.  It means the game's engine has barely been started.  Nibris has been working on WHAT exactly for the past two years?  Design docs and concept art?

 You don't know much about game development, do you?  They are a very small team, funding is short (no publisher yet) and you can create certain elements of the game on a PC prior to working with the game engine.  Games also get announced while still in concept form all the time.


SaviorX,  August 1, 2008 = Rygar.   It will also be at E3.

The rEVOLution is not being televised