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trestres said:
Wow, you seem very paranoid konichiwa, why would I hate the French?

Activision is bringing COD5 and all the GH to the Wii.
Sega is bringing the next Sonic, MadWorld and has brought some nice games like Nights, Sonic and the Secret Rings and M&S.
Rockstar brought Manhunt, but they said they arent interested in working on a GTA for the Wii, at least they were SINCERE.

Ubisoft crapped on us.

 A comment I made before but some of you probably missed:

And then only Ubisoft? It has a better avarage score rating than companies like Activision? Two of his best games Call of Duty 3 and that marvel game were released in 2006 and were not that bad...Since then they only developped games who scored between  65-50% and their last entry pimp my ride was a failure and the games of them on PS3/X360 are also a lot better like COD4.

  COD 5 from the makers of COD3 I would be surprised if they can make a good game now, Guitar hero just some port.

Same for Sega who brought Condemned and Virtua fighter to the PS3/360 when Wii got average games.
 The next sonic?  Will it be good?  Nights?  I thought fans called it the rape of a good game, Mario & sonic olympics is good while it scored like 66% on game rankings that is almost the avarage of score ubisoft games get on the Wii

And then their is Rockstar who released GTA IV on the PS3/360 and what did Wii owners got?

One good game that was a port from PS2 and two other not so good ones Table Tennis and Manhunt 2