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jheco05 said:
A Wii Summit. I love the idea of that.

 I like the idea of any Nintendo held conferance/summit or show. However the name alone scares me, Wii Summit!!!!!

I don't like the idea that it will be a strictly Wii press event. Last year Nintendo held a press summit and everyone got so exited for it. But it turned out it was just Reggie talking for about half an hour about how innovative the Wii was and how it was bringing the industry in new directions. I think MarioParty8 footage was unvieled and that was about it.  I remember IGN being all upset saying that the day before the press summit they had recieved their pre-release copies so they had already seen everything shown at the summit.

 If its one of Nintendo small press summits like the one last year except soully for Wii I will be extremely dissapointed. Nintendo needs its own big conferance or Expo to show off its next generation software and hardware rather then simply relying on E3. Their is a large gap between showcases I'd say a fall conferance would be great.


How about a conferance in October!

Nintendo (Conferance) October

GDC March

E3 July


It would be perfect that way Nintendo would be able to keep us up to date with a steady flow of data rather then a single big splash each year at E3! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer