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sc94597 said:
konnichiwa said:
naznatips said:
konnichiwa said:
naznatips said:
konnichiwa said:
You also could use it as a Wii logo considering the most games on it are shit games.

*Sigh* Why do you do this to me?  You've been such a good contributor on the site the last few weeks, and although you've been in debates you haven't done anything particularly bad.  I'm guessing you meant "considering most Ubisoft games on it are shit games," but it would still be inappropriate.  With all that in mind, I'm just giving you a warning this time. Please don't post flamebait like this in the future.  

 Are you saying the most Wii games are good?


Looking to the Wii games library I can only say their are maybe like 50 games that are worth your money when the others aren't?  Or you disagree?

It's a completely subjective opinion, and stating it like that is clearly just trying to start a flame war.

This isn't a debate konnichiwa.  I'm being nice on this one, so don't push me. 

 People refer now Ubisoft games =shitgames...  RRR is on place 24 of the top 25 best games on the Wii (look to gamerankings) and you and I or atleast I hope there are like 300 games.  If RRR is now Trash what are all the others who scored less? And I am not starting a flamewar it are the members itself who are saying this.

 Do you notice a declination in the quality of their games.RRR was good, but then it's sequel was bad. Ubisoft went from somebody who tries, to somebody who makes games in 5 minutes. Copying nintendogs with a crappy PETZ game is quality? Not Really 

 And then only Ubisoft? It has a better avarage score rating than companies like Activision? Two of his best games Call of Duty 3 and that marvel game were released in 2006 and were not that bad...Since then they only developped games who scored between  65-50% and their last entry pimp my ride was a failure and the games of them on PS3/X360 are also a lot better like COD4.

Same for Sega who brought Condemned and Virtua fighter to the PS3/360 when Wii got average games.

And then their is Rockstar who released GTA IV on the PS3/360 and what did Wii owners got?

One good game that was a port from PS2 and two other not so good ones Table Tennis and Manhunt 2

And I could go on.