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Lol.... I don't think you understand the implications of what is happening.. However.....

What about game patches? What about DLC? What about download only games? Or are these things the switch will not support at all. How big are the games going to actually be? And you are making the general usage scenario of both the PS4/XB1 to sound wrse than it actually is.

If you want to, its possible to buy the PS4/XB1 and you will never have to actually upgrade your internal 500GB HDD but yet it will allow you do everything those consoles has to offfer. Be it DLC, patches, digital downloads, game installs....whatever (oh don't forget that digital downloads also cover every single game here too) and all you have to do is manage the space.

32GB internal storage is inexcusable, unless nintendo feels they don't need that much internal storage.... and if that is the case... then that is disturbing and not a good thing.