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Mummelmann said:

They seem to have learned nothing in the last decade or so.

I'd say they didn't fully realize their Wii U failures and then added shit on top of a shit.  I was probably going to be a launch consumer but now I'll probably just wait.  Hell, I was launch consumer for GC and Wii U and see how those turned out.  I wasn't for Wii so maybe somehow this will catch fire.  I'm just not seeing it.  I don't see how they will pull the casuals back while keeping their fanbase.  I'm probably one of the biggest Nintendo supporters there is and I see nothing but shit in the features.  I was impressed by some of the games like the 3D Mario and MK8 deluxe looked like it had a ton of content.  The features of the system and pricing of controllers left a shit taste in my mouth though.