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Hiku said:
Wyrdness said:

Third parties have never wanted to compete with Nintendo games because it was always a losing battle, Zelda is something no one else really wants to take on which is understandable tbh as any other game in that period is going to be buried.

Yeah, I guess that's probably what happened. But the only big launch game is Zelda, and some people want to buy more than one game. Would have been a great opportunity for those games to get extra attention.

Btw, 1-2 Switch looks like something you'd find for free on the app store. I hope they're selling it at a really low price, if the trailer is any indication on what to expect.

So just to update, there is a Analyst at Niko Partners tweeting every "March 2017" title as a launch title for the system 

But his source is the nintendo site which JUST SAYS march 2017