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I think $300 is too high for most people but I will be buying it on launch day.

To get to my assessment of the show. I will give a brief breakdown of positive and negatives:


Paid online. Even though I am unsure if this is actually for multiplayer, paying for online is not great.

Price is probably too high for mainstream acceptance. I can see Sony and Microsoft doing a collective sigh of relief.

Price of games was not mentioned.

Did not tell us that pre orders were already available in America (just pre ordered)


No region locking.

Games looked very good. Even 1-2 Switch looked like something to get people introduced to the Switch. Almost every game looked like a winner.

Game release dates are well spaced with Zelda now, Splatoon during the summer, Mario at Christmas and many games in between including 2K and Fifa!!!

Saw Street Fighter and well, YES!

Games announced like Xenoblade and Splatoon were NOT Wii U ports! Huge deal as I did not want this console to be what 3DS is as far as ports are concerned.

Shin Megami Tensi on TELEVISION!!!!!!!!

Skyrim confirmation is also outstanding since so many wanted to hate on it not being announced earlier.

The controller straps add-on with the raised Zl and ZR buttons are brilliant and free.

The launch date is AWESOME!!! March 3.

My girlfriend and I are overhyped at 2 am. Nintendo, why you do me so wong?

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