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Riachu said:
Kasz216 said:
DTG said:
ArtofAngels said:
DTG said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Just what I wanted..


Why would anyone want that?

I was falling asleep just listening to that old guy talk about "tanks with legs" in MGS3, and that lasted less than 15 minutes.

I'm not a huge fan of the games though I guess....but still. Don't you think that's a bit much?

That's because the cutscenes in MGS3 save a few were slightly boring should I say. But the ones in MGS2 were far more gripping even after 40 minutes of exposition and I think MGS4 will have the same kind of dialogue. 90 minute cutscenes for me is exceptional, MGS is the pinnacle of video game storytelling for a reason.

Are you kidding me? MGS sure has good stories, but the pinnacle? I think someone needs a big fat juicy injection of JRPG's.

Frankly JRPG's have become quite archaic in terms of storytelling. They use the same cliche characters and plot devices they did 15 years ago and consistently rip off aspects of eachother. Exceptions to the rule of shallow & cliche storytelling such as Xenogears could still be faulted for basically ripping off half the plot devices from Neon Evangelion.

Wow if Neon Evangelion is what it's ripping off I'm glad i haven't made it back to Xenogears. That anime sucked. Thought it was coincidental the red head looked exactly like her.
Evangelion was a good anime IMO though did have its flaws. i.e. the main protagonist, the story got a little convoluted near the end


It wasn't convoluted so much as they went with the "modern art" way of storytelling. Throw a bunch of random shit out of nowhere until everyone gets confused and people start pulling what they want out of it. Then give no real explination until the people who are confused yet like it come up with a concensus on what it means.

Then claim they are brilliant and that's what you meant all along and that everyone who doesn't get it is an idiot. It's fool proof because you can always just hide behind "You just don't understand it."

It's the good old mordern art way. In the muesuem closest to me... in the mordern art section their is one "piece" of art is 4 halogen lights... in a perfect row. The only difference being they are 4 colors.

If there is one thing you can count on, is that there are enough stupid people out there who think they are smart that you can trick into thinking your work is genius even when it's random.

There is a big difference between random bullshit like that and FLCL and anime that gives you legitimate wide open answers... like... Big O, or Paranoid Agent.