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I personnaly agree with those who say that MGS doesn't provide the best storytelling in videogames. First videogames should always try to use interactivity, to tell their story through the actions of the player, the environmnent... People have talked about Dus Ex or Bioshock, fine examples. Secondly, the cutscenes are okay but they could give less information, let the player use his imagination. Think abour Shadow of the colossus for example. They could be shorter and still tell a ood story, like in the God of War series.

Now that it is said... We all know MGS includes lengthy cut-scenes sowe should not complain. And personnally, I have loved all the games of the series ! Sometimes the humour is a bit strange, the direction is a bit "too much", the dialogues are a bit boring... But I can't help being taken by the plot. And by the gameplay ! I love MGS gamplay. Particularly those amazing boss fights. Or the way the game is playing with you (think about the end of MGS2 for example)... Well, i don't know wich score MGS4 should have had, but I know I will buy it and, very likely, love it !