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Barkley said:
Not surprised, if the thing did come out it wouldn't sell well or be reviewed well.

Every piece of gameplay we've seen looked janky and dull as hell. Incredibly boring fights with no satisfying feedback.

Microsoft refused to compromise on resolution & effects/elements that where too demanding for the xbox one, when PG was telling them it couldnt be done.

Also why gameplay looks janky and dull, could be because MS forced PG to change the type of game it was ment to be, mid developement.

ei. it was not ment to be a 4 player co-op multiplayer game.

Adding in something like that? means you have to change so damn much in the game, which means more developement time.


Then you get a few developers overworked and stressed out, and angry they are forced to make something they didnt want to make.

So they take a few weeks to cool their heads, come back to work to find out MS didnt like they took time off, and not hitting a milestone ment they got cancled.