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DTG said:
ArtofAngels said:
DTG said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Just what I wanted..


Why would anyone want that?

I was falling asleep just listening to that old guy talk about "tanks with legs" in MGS3, and that lasted less than 15 minutes.

I'm not a huge fan of the games though I guess....but still. Don't you think that's a bit much?

That's because the cutscenes in MGS3 save a few were slightly boring should I say. But the ones in MGS2 were far more gripping even after 40 minutes of exposition and I think MGS4 will have the same kind of dialogue. 90 minute cutscenes for me is exceptional, MGS is the pinnacle of video game storytelling for a reason.

Are you kidding me? MGS sure has good stories, but the pinnacle? I think someone needs a big fat juicy injection of JRPG's.

Frankly JRPG's have become quite archaic in terms of storytelling. They use the same cliche characters and plot devices they did 15 years ago and consistently rip off aspects of eachother. Exceptions to the rule of shallow & cliche storytelling such as Xenogears could still be faulted for basically ripping off half the plot devices from Neon Evangelion.

Yep, now we need MGS4 to show new heights of storytelling ineptitude. Kojima can't tell his story in the game so he has to do cutscenes. JRPGs had that form of storytelling down long before Kojima decided to explore that well trod path. MGS is at the bottom of the barrel of video game story telling. What saves it is that the gameplay is fun. My guess as to why you don't see a MGS movie is that no producer will touch Kojima as a director after seeing his existing anime style, overcomplicated, unartisticly philosphical cutscenes. The reason you don't see that crap in movies made outside of Japan is because most see it for what it is, bad storytelling. It is great storytelling for the unimaginitive, however. Don't want to think about what a story means or what it says about life, don't worry, the next cutscene will tell you! Just like anime. Don't think! We'll do it for you and then you can talk about how philosophical we are with your friends!

Oh Billy07, I am so glad my favorite philospher didn't just disappear. This sort of entertainment cannot be bought.   I hope you do a full write up for MGS4 for your website.  Trust me, I'll read it.

I give this thread a 10.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.