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This just seems to be a continuation of MS's new plan: focus on Windows and Windows gaming. Which includes focusing on it a great deal at E3. They are just spending less and less on Xbox right now. Getting rid of studios and their games, as well as 3rd party advertising and exclusives. I think they gave Phil a certain amount of time and cash to improve their standing in the market, but it really hasn't panned out.

They have the Scorpio coming out this year but what are they going to use to push it? Slighty better looking multiplats and their declining 1st party offerings? All this for only $449-$499, which will probably go against a $299-$349 Pro. Like I have said in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if they push the Scorpio just as much as a Windows VR gaming machine as they do as a Xbox.

For PG and gamer's sake, I hope Sony or Nintendo pick up this franchise. Hopefully help them along if they are having any kind of problems with it.