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Are they cocky? Yeah. That goes for ALL 3, not just Microsoft. Nintendo less so because when you're the leader by that much, you shouldn't punch down. The better question is 'why'? I've yet to see Sony release a statement saying they sold WAY more stereo speakers than JBL, or that Pioneer TV's is 4 da suxxors. Nor has the PR or brass of MS ever come out and specifically denigrate LINUX or Firefox or even iPod for overpromising or whatever. It's because they're too busy touting their own product then to worry about someone else's and because people who tend to buy those other products don't make purchase decisions based on PR from empty suits.
So, why is it different for the game divisions of these companies? Because they're speaking directly to the fanboys who are a major source of revenue and who seem to enjoy being in the trenches of the most pitiful "war" ever concieved. If it seems they're childish, it's just a reflection of the immature community that creates thousand-post threads online based on what some PR flack said.
In short: they're playing to the basest of their base.
They probably make dumb statements and get together with their counterparts at the other companies and have a snicker at the sad fallout.