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"If a player used the Wii Balance Board, they stand on the board as they would a snowboard and then lean toward the TV to go faster, lean back to brake, and tip their weight to their toes and heels to turn and carve. From what I saw, tricks could be activated with a spring of the legs, and bigger tricks could be triggered with a hula dance shake of the body."

 Sounds lovely and kinesthetic to me!

"While getting a demo, I asked a Ubisoft representative about multiplayer using multiple Balance Boards. She said that the game would support four player matches using four Wii remotes or three player matches using one board and two Wii remotes. Why that breakdown? I was told that the Wii reads the Balance Board as two controllers, leaving only two slots empty for extra controllers. And there go my dreams of four people flailing on Balance Boards at the same time."

Too bad, so you can't multiplayer with the Wiiboards? WTF?!?!?!? Damnit. It looks like an awesome game to do it on too.

If they pull it off it may be the 1st third party game I buy on the Wii.

*fingers Xed*
